Monday, November 27, 2006

Spirit Rains in Barbados

Our final service on Sunday night started out with a great worship service that went crazy (in a good way) like none of us ever expected when the power went out for almost ten minutes. When the power came back on we continued with the worship service as the Spirit of God moved amongst the people. After the message God opened up the flood-gates and several people received the gift of the Holy Ghost, the most in one service for Barbados for several years.

We were blessed to be able to come and partake in the work of God and meet and make new friends. We've had a small taste of what we know God is going to do in Calgary and we are not only ready to receive it, but desperate and well equiped to achieve it. So look out Calgary and CPD we're coming back home to rock the free world!!!


Jessica deLeeuw said...

So exciting.. and we are here in anticipation waiting and watching as God moves. Sunday morning and evening there was soo many visitors. On Sun AM, Julio brought 6 mexicans, and Sun PM, Curtis & Coleen brought like 5-6 people from the Drop In. God is doing an amazing work!

Our prayers are with you and praying for your safe return to this freezing cold weather!

YPMARK....Peter? said...

can't stop this!